NaruHina (Love this couple, plus could really see it happening)
SasuSaku (I just think they go well together)
ShikaTema (Don't argue with me I love this couple)
SaiIno, InoSai (I have no idea which way it goes, but I like this one personally I think it would be histerical if Ino ended up with Deidara because they look so much alike)

NejiTen (up for debate but I think this couple is better)

Gaamatsu (Could so see it happening)
KakaAnko (I think this would be hilarious, I could see Kakashi wearing a cup everyday if this happens)

ShikaIno (I don't really have a problem with this couple, but shikatema is the more popular pairing and I like it better)
LeeTen (I don't mind this one I just like nejiten better)
SasuHina (I just can't see this happening at all)
NaruSaku (Although a cute couple I like Naruhina better, and because if this couple happened then Hinata is stuck with Kiba, Sasuke, Shino, Chouji, Lee (don't even want to think about it), or some random person we don't know and I don't agree with that)
Gaasaku/gaahina (I can't even think of this happening whose idea of a couple is this)
Other characters missed
Karin (Who cares who she ends up with *cough skank cough*)
Kankuro (I don't care really)
Shino (probably going to get with a bug lady, or lady bug (snigger) no)
Kiba (I don't really care as long as its not hinata)
Lee (I could see him going out with a girl just as energetic as him (then Konoha would be a living hell hahahahaha))

Chouji (probaly will end up with some girl who knows how to cook lots)
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