From this post you will know about difference between Sakura's child and Sakura when he was grow up. Sakura grow up become boyish girl, with short pants, gauntlet and boot clearly make her a boyish girl. Sakura clothes colour not many changing, still was dominated by red colour but there is a little additional colour that is pink in her skirt. Big difference is Sakura's bravery increasing rapidly under Tsunade's training. She become stronger girl and has good analys to find the enemies weakness. Sakura wasn't sissy girl anymore, even her thinking become more wisely than before. To protect her friend from injury, Sakura make decision to be medical ninja. How about her feeling? I don't know about that, is she still love Sasuke or has moved to Naruto. Could you tell me about it? Please give me your comment, so I can add more information detaily.